You win a jackpot of Rupees 1Cr, what do you do with it?
What is your worst nightmare concerning money?
When tipping in a restaurant, you:
Which factor do you consider before investing?
You need a loan urgently for a family emergency, where do you go for it?
The payday is due tomorrow. What are your thoughts today:
You live In a cyclone prone area. You purchased your dream house and still have a good surplus amount left. What do you do?
You get an unexpectedly high electric bill. What are your reactions?
You urgently need to pay someone a high amount that's not at your disposal currently. What do you do:
Your ward gets admission into a renowned college, but you can't make available the admission fee at present. What do you do
You have recently incurred some loss in business, how is it going to affect your future financial decisions?
Are you worrried/ anxious about not being able to be completely financially independent?
You see an expensive painting in an auction which you don't understand at all but people are claiming it to be brilliant piece of art. Will you buy it ?
You are finally in Vegas. Your best friend had warned you not to gamble there but some stranger tipped you off on how to win in a game. It is an expensive game but in return you get huge amount of cash prize if you win .Will you play it?
What is the Time period you prefer to invest in?
An electric car has been launched and you wish to buy a car but EVs are vey expensive, fuel driven cars are cheaper, what do you do?
What is the source of your investment advice?
What is your investment objective?