An Emergency Loan is basically a Personal Loan that can be used to finance sudden, unforeseen expenses. You can use the money to deal with any kind of personal emergency, be it medical bills, education expenses, cash crunch during wedding planning or anything else that may necessitate additional funds. With an Emergency Loan, you can tackle any sudden expense without having to let go of your existing assets or investments. What’s more, you get all of this without having to provide collateral, and the bank offers competitive interest rates on such emergency Personal Loan.
Documents Required
- Pan Card Number
- Passport Photo
- Address Proof
(Valid Driving License / Valid Passport / Aadhar Card) - ID Proof
(Valid Driving License / Valid Passport / Voter’s ID / Aadhar Card / Pan Card)
- Salaried employees at select private limited companies and public sector undertakings (including central, state and local bodies)
- Must be between 20 years and 60 years of age
- Must have had a job for at least 2 years, with a minimum of 1 year with the current employer
- For self-employed: Applicants must have a specified minimum income (may vary with location). Financial documents to show stability of income may also be required by the bank.
Benefits of opting for Emergency Loans
- Minimal paperwork that saves a considerable amount of time
- Online application of emergency loan makes application and approval easier
- Flexible repayment options balance outstanding EMIs
- Best substitute to keep your savings safe
- Saves borrowers from going bankrupt
Interest Rates & Charges
Rack interest rate – Salaried – 10.50% to 20.40%
Loan processing charges – Up to 2.50% of the loan amount subject to a minimum of Rs 1,999/- & maximum of Rs 25,000/- for salaried customers